Saturday, June 6, 2009

Welcome to Canada

      Canada the land of immigrants, or was that supposed to be the USA? One month into my voyage here in Edmonton, Alberta and the leaves have finally arrived. I am begining to feel like "toto, I do not think we are in Kansas anymore." Things are definately different then the good ol' US of A.

First, things are very green here. No, I do not mean green as in emerald isle green but as in the 3Rs (reduce, reuse, recycle). One can feel the pressure when a store clerk is checking your items out and you forgot your green reusable bags having to opt for plastic instead. Not to mention the disapproving glares you get from the people behind you in line. Here in the land where oil is paramount you wouldn't nescarrily expect to find everyone to be soo "harry armpitish." 

Jumping on the band wagon of go green or go home I found myself feeling guilty and ashamed of how much garbage I was donating to the local landfills. Each diaper that I deposited into the trash became the walk of shame. Getting on board lead me to trying a diaper service here that delivers fresh cloth diapers to your door weekly and takes away your soiled ones in return. Feeling even more ever mounting pressure to go green I decided to take on the purchasing of my own cloth diapers. 

Wanting to be as canadian as possible I researched which candain companies had the best option for my little yankee daughter (the youngest is a yankee the oldest daughter is a canuck.) I decided on Motherease diapers and opted for the Bamboo which is supposed to be free of pesticides and all that jazz. Now I have my husband wondering just how far I am going to travel into the realm of being green.

At least several times a week my husband finds me bent over digging furiously through our trash can. Weird you think? Not so when I find that he has thrown out a small piece of paper and some plastic (all which can be recycled). Our trash has been cut down to half, one half is destined for the landfill and the other is headed off to be reused in the recycle. Cutting down on the trash has made me feel like I am doing my part. Next thing we need is a clothing line........

Also on the topic of being green did you know it is nearly impossible to find a gas lawnmower here? or herbicides (yes that would harm the environment and plants have feelings don't ya know!)

1 comment:

  1. We're in need of serious pesticide here! Bugs in the apples, scale on the camperdown elm...

    Keep us posted on how well you like the bamboo velour in your diapers. Don't let the armpits get too hairy either.
